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The aim of this research is to gain an in-depth understanding of poverty in South Sulawesi from the perspective of the poor, focusing on subjective and objective factors influencing their conditions. Employing a qualitative approach and grounded theory methodology, this research explores the lived experiences of the poor in three districts with the highest poverty rates, namely Jeneponto, Bone, and North Toraja, to identify the causes and impacts of poverty from their standpoint. The research findings indicate that poverty in South Sulawesi is a complex phenomenon influenced by various external and internal factors, including living conditions, family structure, access to employment, income, attitudes towards life, work, and family, as well as government policy influences. The novelty of this research lies in the introduction of the "sapulung program" as a poverty alleviation solution, proposing a multidimensional approach to address subjective and objective factors in poverty. Limitations of this research primarily relate to the geographic scope and number of research subjects, which may constrain the generalizability of the findings. The implications of this research for practice underscore the need for the government and other stakeholders to adopt a more holistic approach in addressing poverty, considering both subjective and objective aspects, and empowering women as key to effective poverty alleviation.


multidimensional poverty; informal employment; sapulung program; attitudes and mentalities; education and skills; Indonesia.

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How to Cite
Tamsah, H. ., & Nurung, J. . (2024). The Dynamics of Poverty in South Sulawesi: Perspectives from the Community, NGOs, and Government. Economics and Digital Business Review, 5(2), 166–176.


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